How End-of-Life Documents Are Like a Love Letter

I have a mission: to create a truly comprehensive end-of-life checklist.  Over the years I often have discussed end-of-life planning with my clients. Their prior planning (if any) has been universally spotty. Why? In many cases, there is an aversion to facing the inevitability of death.  Most generally understand that they should prepare a will, but beyond this basic document, what else do they consider?
While there are books and websites available to provide guidance, most are limited in their scope or out-of-date in the information they provide. For example:
  • a financial planner may have a checklist which covers investments, bank accounts and insurance
  • an attorney will provide legal documents
  • an “Over the Counter” insurance broker will know your long-term care plans
But who:
  • includes nothing about shut-off valves in the home
  • knows the location of keys and has access to the safe deposit box
  • give advice on radon levels
  • knows your passwords to any social media accounts
  • has medical information on your pet
I consider my personal end-of-life planning to be a “love letter” to those I leave behind. The planning says that, in addition to the material and financial legacy, I wanted to try to ease the  burden and stress on my loved ones.  I am showing my love by easing their pain by answering all the inevitable questions that would arise at my death.

Contact me for a free consultation to review your situation and needs.

I look forward to speaking with you,


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